Sunday, January 23, 2011

I like to eat, eat, eat, apples and bananas!

So I've been waiting MONTHS to be able to use these handy little teethers and now that Matthew is eating solids, I decided to give it a go. They are awesome! I put in a chunk of cold banana in the net and gave it to Matthew. He loved it and it actually entertained him long enough for us to be able to eat our dinner without having to get up and tend to him. He ended up being a banana mess, but it was worth it. pTRU1-3730950dt.jpg

1 comment:

  1. How cute! I like how he puts it in his mouth, expects to actually eat a bite of a banana, and then pulls it out and looks at it. It's like he's thinking, "I taste the banana, now where the heck is it?"

    And I love his grunting!
