My intentions were to post much more often than I have been, but lately we have consumed ourselves with searching for baby bedroom ideas and furniture. Over Christmas, I was very inspired by how my sister-in-law Stacy is able to find incredible pieces and refinish them into beautiful furniture for her house. Therefore, instead of blogger, I've been on pinterest, craigslist, and ebay. We had an awesome find in a Drexel Heritage dresser and nightstand for under $300 that we are going to refinish/repaint white and use in Matthew's room. My inspiration for his red white and blue room comes from the following pictures:
Matt's walls are similar to these blue walls above
I LOVE the red bed and the giant "A" on the wall...I'm so doing that!
I'm going to do some of the Dr. Seuss Pottery Barn bedding to tie in the red, white, and blue of all the pieces.
Essentially, Matthew's room is that light blue color, his dresser and night stand will be white, and his bed I'm thinking I will do fire engine red, and then tie it all together with the bedding and wall decor.
For baby girl's room, I'm using Matthew's nursery furniture and planning on doing the Pink Harper set from Pottery Barn (except with dark furniture):
Need to figure out a way to create that "LOVE" sign for less that $100...
I also want to make this crayon art (with bright pink flowers):
I'm not a very creative person, but lately the bug has hit me, and I'm trying to take advantage (and notes) of it while it lasts! Any other ideas for a boys red, white, and blue room or a girls pink and white room are gladly accepted!